Monday, March 9, 2009

Dear Reader

During this 11-week course, I discovered a lot about myself. I am a high-strung perfectionist, striving after the true meaning of love, while combating high levels of anxiety. Something about that picture about me just does not sound right. During the class, students were asked to write three essays in which I wrote why we should not be a perfectionist, what unconditional love is, and why it is not good to be anxious. I am hoping that from my papers I will teach others, and myself if nothing else, how to cope with life’s ongoing challenges. I took this class because I wanted to continue my learning skills and not lose the skills that I had already learned earlier. Probably the biggest thing I learned was how to write papers in a formal format and trying to be aware of the audience I am writing to. Doing so challenged me to write on a more professional level and anticipate questions or arguments people might have opposing my point of view and counteracting their arguments with stronger persuading points in my favor. In addition this class also pointed out to me that I’ve got some work ahead of me on figuring out how to organize me time wisely and be satisfied with what I can accomplish when I don’t have a lot of time.

Working at the Stanwood Camano Food Bank for the service learning portion of the class challenged me to put others needs before my own and realize just how much I do take for granted. Every day I have fresh food and basic toiletries to my dispense, but that is not the case for everyone. It saddened me to see how many people even in my hometown struggle financially for who knows what reason. Also, the act of serving and giving a hand to someone was challenging at times because we grow up in a society that tries to tell you to “help yourself”, so thinking to help someone is not always on our minds.

In my E-portfolio, the four pieces of my writing that I think best represented my accomplishments and creativity from this class were my last Major Writing Assignment 3 written on anxiety. This piece represented my ability to take a piece through the writing process from start to finish. My Breatharian piece, which I titled “Breathtaking Breatharianism” does a fantastic job at representing my ability to write effectively. This piece quickly, and enticingly, lets the reader know everything they need to know about breatharianism and how to achieve it in a creative advertisement sort of way. For my analytical writing piece, I choose to use my description MWA on Agape. This essay goes through the process of defining the word. For my last writing piece in my e-portfolio I chose one of my writings in a class Discussion Board on a paraphrasing and summarizing activity.


  1. I enjoyed your introduction of yourself in your letter. Also your "about me" very sweet about your girl friend.

  2. Sounds like you have the makings to a stonge life ahead. Commpassion, is what most lack, you know the want to get it write. The edge is somtimes frighting, but some never find out how to take those leaps. Acoknolegemet of what needs to been done to make thoughs changes is such a good hook. I really like reading your paper on perfectionist, I too am a perfectionist. This is a quote I picked up last quater, by Gordon lish "To be a writer, one has to be able to tell the truth, and one has to tell the hardest truth that is avaiable to one. One has to tell one;s own truth. One has to risk everything to capture that truth; one has to reach down inside of oneself to the zone of most crucial danger, to the zone, in fact, one may even be unsettling one's notion of oneself and therefore destablizing one's personality.... I think that this task is accomplished chiefly as a fuction of courage, of the will, and then of an absoulutely unrelenting industrys"
